Flame Shape(Apple Dental) F0-32 OR F0-25
Flame Shape Flame Shape Bur These burs are similar to bud burs but have a longer and more slender shape.
Round Bur(Apple Dental) (BR-31 To 45) Single Bur
Round Bur Round burs are used for: Cavity preparation & creating access points. Creating undercuts. Creating channels for luxator blades
Straight Fissure (Apple Dental) SF-11 To SF-25
Straight Fissure Bur A straight fissure is cutting tool intended for extending or widening fissures in a tooth, as for
Taper Flat Ended(Apple Dental) TF-11 To TF-14
Taper Flat Ended Useful for crown reductions, reshaping of teeth, smoothing and preparation of cavity walls and removing crowns Always
Taper Round Ended(Apple Dental) TR-11 TO TR-25
Taper Round Ended We strive to provide the best available and time-tested products to enhance customer’s intimacy