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Fanta Rotary File Af F One

Fanta Rotary File Af F One (One File System)

Description: ·  AF™-R Wire ·  Suitable for curved canals ·  Magic Flat Design ·  Better Efficient Cutting ·  Higher Resistance to Cyclic Fatigue    
Fanta Rotary File V-Taper Gold

Fanta Rotary File V-Taper Gold

Description: · AF™-R Wire Tech for Shaping Files · AF™-H Wire Tech for Finishing Files · 3 Shaping Files, 3 Finishing Files · High elasticity of NITI Material · Suitable for Curved Root Canal Preparation · Special design for Variable Taper 6 Files

Fanta- Gates Drills

Fanta- Gates Drills/ GG Drills Description: Designed with a flame-shaped boring head with a non-cutting guide tip on a slender shaft. GG Drills Used to reduce the curvature in the orifice of the canal, allowing greater access to the canal for cleaning and obturation. Instrument size can be easily identified by the number of grooves on each instrument.   Pack size: 1*6
Fanta- Peeso Reamers

Fanta- Peeso Reamers

Fanta PEESO REAMERS Description:
Peeso Reamers (Reamer Tool) Ideal for widening and paralleling root canals for post core preparations. Hard Fiber Stainless steel.
They are also used for dental filling removal and pin or post hole preparation.


  • Higher anti-corrosion resistance.
  • Uniform and stabilized hardness.
  • The safety tip prevents ledges or perforation.
  • Designed to be broken at very near to shank.
  • Easy identification by the number of grooves in the shank.
Pack Size: 1*6
Fiber Post With Drills

Fiber Post With Drills

DESCRIPTION Fiber Posts are quartz resin transparent posts used in conjunction with a core on endodontically treated teeth. This material ensures that endodontically treated teeth can still have a final restoration which can be retained and stable. Endodontically treated teeth need to have a final restoration for them to be successful in the long run. However, there are cases where you need to provide extra steps to ensure retention of the restoration. Sometimes, you need to use dental fiber posts. This material is a transparent post that can be cemented in the root canal space. With this product, you can substitute for the missing tooth structure, which is lost due to previous trauma or carious lesion. Moreover, once placed with a core, this product can retain the restoration and give an appropriate seal for the healing and function of the patient.

HDS Calcium Hydroxide (CAOH) Powder-30g

Calcium Hydroxide (CaOH) Powder for cavity liners. Description: Calcium hydroxide powder for use in root canal therapy provides insulation in deep cavities and is also recommended for temporary root filling. Features:
  • Provides bactericidal effect on carious dentine
  • Paste delivered to root apex provides pulp insulation
  • Protects the vital pulp from infections and further decay
  • Can be easily removed from root canal by simple irrigation


Kerr Sybron Sealapex Canal Sealant – Non-Eugenol Calcium Hydroxide Polymeric Root Canal Sealer. Description:
  • Kerr Sybron Sealapex Canal Sealant – Non-Eugenol Calcium Hydroxide Polymeric Root Canal Sealer.
  • Sealapex is the original non-eugenol, calcium hydroxide polymeric root canal sealer.
  • This formulation produces rapid healing and hard tissue formation.

Mani- Paste Carriers



MANI Paste Carriers. The Cone shaped spiral of this root filler optimally utilizes the volume of the cone shaped canal thus achieving great time saving. It prevents air bubble inclusion due to its conical construction and thus helping to achieve excellent sealing. The special design and manufacture reduces the chances of breakage.
  • Exceeds all ISO/ADA Specifications.
  • High quality stainless steel.
  • Metal shank.
Pack size 1*4


Eugenol free, radiopaque paste (powder liquid) for the permanent obturation of the infected root canals specifically in the presence of granuloma. DESCRIPTION:
  • Granulotec is a Eugenol free, bactericidal, non resorbable and radiopaque preparation for the permanent obturation after pulpectomy and root-canal treatment of infected root canals specifically in presence of a granuloma.
  • It is also used as a permanent obturation of non-infected (vital) teeth.
  • Ensures in only one treatment:
  • The healing of infection.
  • The resorption of the granuloma.
  • The regeneration of the periapical tissues.
  • The permanent obturation.
  • Enables direct coronal obturation with composites.
  • Allows, if required, easy re-reaming of the canal for further Inlay core or bridge reconstruction.


Pulpotec is a radiopaque & non-resorbable preparation for the treatment of pulpitis by pulpotomy of vital molars. DESCRIPTION:
  • Radiopaque & non-resorbable preparation for the treatment of pulpitis by pulpotomy of vital molars.
  • It is a filling paste used for simple, rapid and long-term treatment by pulpotomy of vital molars, both permanent and deciduous.
  • The addition of pharmacological constituents ensures an aseptic treatment, induces cicatrization of the pulpal stump at the chamber-canal interface, while maintain the structure of the underlying pulp.
  • Only two sessions required for treatment.
  • Complete radical restoration of immature teeth with minimum discomfort for patient.
  • Preserves the tissue structure of the tooth.

Power Whitening Kit

DESCRIPTION LIGHT WHITENING AC is suitable for medical whitening of strongly discoloured teeth. Reasons for such discoloration of enamel and dentin can be illness, injury, medical treatments or excessive penetration of colouring substances. These cases require special medical measures to restore a healthy appearance of the teeth. LIGHT WHITENING AC has been developed with and for Whitening Lamp XG and gives the best whitening results in the shortest period of time. LIGHT WHITENING AC can be used for whitening of one or more teeth or parts of a tooth, including the intracoronal bleaching of endodontically treated non-vital teeth.

Prime-Dental Porcelain Etch Gel

10% hydrofluoric acid gel conditions porcelain or ceramic surfaces prior to bonding. Used prior to Prime-Dent® porcelain bond enhancer. Quantity: