Surgical Sponge Medicom
Quantity : (1*200)
Taiwan Kopo Diamond
Kopo-Diamond is a kind of Dental plaster powder fitted for various types of models
Taiwan Kopo Rock
Kopo-rock is a kind of Dental plaster powder fitted for various types of models
Tehno Dent Antiseptic Liquid No.2 (Sodium Hypochlorite 3%)
Tehno Dent Antiseptic Liquid No.2 (Sodium Hypochlorite 3%)
Tehno Dent Aqua Cem
Based on zinc oxide, aluminium and zinc phosphate, orthophosphoric acid
Indications for use:
- Single crowns and bridgework fixation
- Primary teeth filling
- Filling of teeth to be covered by crowns
- Cement base for filling materials
- Post fixation
Tehno Dent CALCETIN ENDO(2g)
Endo-Dontic Dressing Paste
Endodontic paste for irrevarsable pulpitis, chronic periodontitis, Apexification and apexogenesis.
Indications for use:
- Irreversible pulpitis
- Conservative treatment of all forms of chloric periodontitis
- Apexification and apexogenesis
Tehno Dent Cresotin ( Liquid No.2 15ml)
Root Canal Disinfectant
- Phenol
- Formic Aldehyde (30%)
- Infected teeth root canals in case of complicated pulpitis
- Treatment with the antiseptic agent during apicoectomy
- Infected root canals treatment in case of periodontitis
Tehno Dent Cresotin (Liquid No.1 15ml)
Root Canal Disinfectant
- Based on camphor
- Chlorophenol
- lidocaine hydrochloride.
- Pain relief and antiseptics in case of traumatic and acute pulpitis prior to pulp devitalization.
- Pain relief in case of periodontitis.
Tehno Dent Devital Paste
For Dental Pulp Devitalization Non-Arsenic Paste
- Contains paraform (30%)
- lidocaine hydrochloride
- Pulp devitalization before removal or amputation.
Tehno Dent Edetale Gel
Contains ethylene diamine tetraacetate salts (20%)
Indications for use:
- Detection and formation of root canals orifice
- Lubricating dental instruments at chemical and mechanical enlargement of root canals
Tehno Dent Eugetin( 14Gm Powder+10Ml Liquid)
For Filling Root Canals
- Zinc oxide
- Calcium phosphate
- Eugenol
- Di-iodine thymol
- Filling prepared root canals using gutta-percha points
- Filling root canals in particular medical cases without gutta-percha points
Tehno Dent Ftor-Lux
Fluoride Treatment
- Calcium fluoride
- Sodium fluoride
- Amine fluoride