Showing 37–48 of 122 results

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Crown Remover Jack Type

Crown Remover Jack Type Crown Remover Jack Type Universal design tip heads. Easy engaging beneath crowns. Comfortable grip. Handle is

Crown Remover Weight Type

Crown Remover Weight Type Highly polished finish for aesthetic and corrosion resistance High Degree of Precision and Flexibility while conducting

Dental Probe A Type

Dental Probe A Type Dental probing is done by using a tool called a dental “probe” to measure the depth of
Dental Probe Non Magnet

Dental Probe Non Magnet

Dental Probe Non Magnet   It is used to detect caries on the mesial and distal (in between) surfaces of
Dental Syringe

Dental Syringe

Dental Syringe Dental Syringe A dental syringe is a syringe used by dentists for the injection of an anesthetic. It consists
Discoid Carver

Discoid Carver

Discoid Carver We strive to provide the best available and time-tested products to enhance customer’s intimacy. Always striving for excellence,
Distal End Cutter

Distal End Cutter

Distal End Cutter Distal End Cutter used to cut a range of orthodontic arch wires under standard conditions. The arch wires
Dycal Applicator

Dycal Applicator

Dycal Applicator Dycal Placement Instrument is a tool designed with a rounded ball tip to prevent pricking or scratching sensitive
Elevator Coupland

Elevator Coupland

Elevator Coupland Coupland’s elevators (also known as chisels) are instruments commonly used for dental extraction. They are used in sets of
Elevator Cryer (Set of 2)

Elevator Cryer (Set of 2)

Elevator Cryer (Set of 2) Cryer Elevator is used after coronal aspect of septum bone removal to: luxate mandibular molar
Elevator Gough

Elevator Gough

Elevator Gough Elevator instruments are used to luxate teeth This technique imparts forces to tooth particles that sever the periodontal